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 I Am You von Depeche Mode

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Administrator [Songwriter]
Administrator [Songwriter]

Anzahl der Beiträge : 224
Anmeldedatum : 17.06.09
Ort : Thüringen

I Am You von Depeche Mode Empty
BeitragThema: I Am You von Depeche Mode   I Am You von Depeche Mode EmptyMo Jul 06, 2009 10:37 am

You have bound my heart with subtle chains
So much pleasure that it feels like pain
So entwined now that we can't shake free
I am you and you are I

No escaping from the mess we're in
So much pleasure that it must be sin
I must live with this reality
I am yours eternally

There's no turning back
We're in this trap
No denying the facts
No, no, no
No excuses to give
I'm the one you're with
We've no alternative
No, no, no

Dark obsession in the name of love
This addiction that we're both part of
Leads us deeper into mystery
Keeps us craving endlessly

Strange compulsions that I can't control
Pure possession of my heart and soul
I must live with this reality

I am you and you are me
I am you and you are me
I am you and you are me
I am you and you are me

There's no turning back
We're in this trap
No denying the facts
No, no, no
No excuses to give
I'm the one you're with
We've no alternative
No, no, no

Words by Martin L. Gore (c) 2001 Grabbing Hands Music Ltd./EMI Music Publishing Ltd
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I Am You von Depeche Mode
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