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 Closer von Dave Gahan

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Administrator [Songwriter]
Administrator [Songwriter]

Anzahl der Beiträge : 224
Anmeldedatum : 17.06.09
Ort : Thüringen

Closer von Dave Gahan Empty
BeitragThema: Closer von Dave Gahan   Closer von Dave Gahan EmptyDi Jun 23, 2009 7:36 pm

The ocean is creeping in
Closer each day with every sin
Now when did our life begin?
The ocean keeps rolling in

The night is oh so dark
And that dog will howl and bark
And your face is oh so stark
The ocean is creeping in

The ocean is creeping in
Closer each day with every sin
My heart is caving in
The ocean keeps rolling in
The ocean keeps rolling in

Now another long year has passed
And I don't know how long we'll last
I can hear your distant laughs
And the ocean keeps rolling in

And the sun seems oh so clear
I can hear it's hiss and sneer
My stomach it starts to burn
Oh God let's hope we learn

The ocean is creeping in
With every and every sin
My hearts still caving in
The ocean keeps rolling in
The ocean keeps rolling in

Stay with me
It's hard to breathe
Lay with me
Please don't leave now
Close your eyes
Don't miss a beat now

The ocean keeps rolling in
The ocean keeps rolling in
The ocean keeps rolling in
The ocean keeps rolling in
The ocean is creeping in
Closer each day with every sin
Now when did our life begin?
The ocean keeps rolling in

The night is oh so dark
And that dog will howl and bark
And your face is oh so stark
The ocean is creeping in

The ocean is creeping in
Closer each day with every sin
My heart is caving in
The ocean keeps rolling in
The ocean keeps rolling in

Now another long year has passed
And I don't know how long we'll last
I can hear your distant laughs
And the ocean keeps rolling in

And the sun seems oh so clear
I can hear it's hiss and sneer
My stomach it starts to burn
Oh God let's hope we learn

The ocean is creeping in
With every and every sin
My hearts still caving in
The ocean keeps rolling in
The ocean keeps rolling in

Stay with me
It's hard to breathe
Lay with me
Please don't leave now
Close your eyes
Don't miss a beat now

The ocean keeps rolling in
The ocean keeps rolling in
The ocean keeps rolling in
The ocean keeps rolling in

Words by Dave Gahan.
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Closer von Dave Gahan
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» Breathe von Dave Gahan

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